The Preparation of Online Documents

The IUMJ Editorial Office will prepare all the papers for display on the Web. Authors interested in knowing what this entails, or those who wish to become actively involved in the production process are welcome to read below. In this document we deal with:

  1. long-time usefulness,
  2. rendering the abstract on the Web,
  3. inserting a description in the annotated TOC,
  4. building a website by topic, and
  5. resolving html links into "permanent" URL's.

Long-time Usefulness

Unlike print, the fundamental nature of electronic information is to change. Active maintenance of a digital document necessitates recording changes. Yearly, authors should expect to receive from us a message such as this:

To maintain the relevancy of your paper, please tell us whether any of the following applies:

Have you written new papers on the subject or topic of this paper? If so, please give standard bibliographic information.

Does this paper cite electronic documents that have since been moved to a different URL? If so, please update. (For example, did you cite a preprint posted in arXiv that is now a postprint published at a journal website?)

Is there any other information on the relevancy of this paper? (May include reviews, or may cite published work by others that directly relates to this paper.)

The information you provide will be used to update the "biography" of this resource and to keep its content from aging.

Rendering the abstract on the Web

Ideally, authors would submit not only the final version of the accepted paper but also a separate electronic file, containing only the title block and the abstract in XML format. This can be done very easily: see the example below. The empty template can be downloaded from *here*. An example of the filled-out template follows:

The XML File

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
      <title>A small data theorem for collisionless plasma
             that includes high velocity particles
      <pubdate>5 February 2004</pubdate>
         <holder>The Trustees of Indiana University</holder>
          The Cauchy problem for the relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell system
          in three space dimensions is considered. It is assumed that
          the initial data satisfy compatibility constraints and have
          compact spatial support. The initial particle distribution is
          assumed to decay rapidly for large momenta, but needn't have
          compact support. Then it is shown that if the initial data
          are sufficiently small in a certain norm then the system
          possesses a classical solution on all of space time. This
          generalizes the earlier work of Glassey and Strauss
          <xref linkend="11"/> which required the initial particle
          distribution to have compact support.
        <biblioentry id="11">
          R. GLASSEY and W. STRAUSS, Absence of Shocks in an
          Initially Dilute Collisionless Plasma, Comm. Math. Phys. 113
          (1987), 191-208.

Note that the abstract and the title block should be entirely self-contained. In other words, an inline formula such as $\R^n, which depends on macros (presumably, \newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}}, should be wholly spelled out in the abstract — it should be written as $\mathbb{R}^n$.

The XSLT File

If, in addition to sending us the filled–out template, you wish to see how the abstract looks at your end, please *download the necessary stylesheet*. The abstract and the stylesheet must reside in the same directory.

Then open your browser and select FILE > Open file > abstract.xml.

  <\?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
  <xsl:output method="html"/>
  <xsl:template match="/">
        <title><xsl:value-of select="/article/articleinfo/title" />
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen"
          href="abstract.css" />

  <xsl:template match="articleinfo/title">
      <xsl:value-of select="." />

  <xsl:template match="articleinfo/author">
      <xsl:value-of select="concat(firstname, ' ', surname)" />

  <xsl:template match="articleinfo/abstract/*">
      <xsl:value-of select="." />

  <xsl:template match="articleinfo/copyright">
  <div id="footer"><p>
      select="concat(./year, ' ', ./holder)" />

  <xsl:template match="articleinfo/DOI">

The CSS Stylesheet

  body {background-color: ffffff;
    font-family: x-small Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
    margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 20px;
    padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 20px;}
    h1 {font-size: 115%; color: #c30; padding-bottom: 0px;}
    h2 {color: #F0DFB4; font-size: x-large; margin-top: -10px;
      margin-bottom: 1em;}
    p {text-indent: 3em; width: 600px;}
    div#footer p {display: block; width: 600px; text-align: center;
      font-size: 80%; color: #c30;}

The HTML File abstract

The description field

For every paper, a description excerpted from the referee's evaluation is included in the TOC of the forthcoming issue. Naturally, local comments such as "There is a typo on line 7..." are deleted. Authors are given advance notice of the description that will introduce the paper in the TOC of a forthcoming issue. Click here to view the *TOC for the forthcoming issue* so that you may appreciate the role that that descriptions perform. Note: The "description" field that is part of the permanent metadata is not the referee's description but the author's abstract.

Indexed – Sorted Documents: An Example

We assume some intuitive familiarity with topic maps. Authors who wish to learn more about them may read our document Topic Maps<, which includes references and links to others. Here we are only concerned with topic maps as they impinge on rendering a manuscript online, and as they may prompt involvement by the author to optimize that rendering. When an author supplies only one MSC number, merging that information with information about other IUMJ papers is greatly simplified.

The following example shows how Meromorphic continuation of the scattering matrix in the Stark effect case, by Denis A.W. White. Indiana Univ. Math. J. 50 (2001), DOI 20012036. Might have been handled, had we been indexing documents in this manner back in 2001.

This is about the online version of your paper, Meromorphic continuation of the scattering matrix in the Stark effect case. We utilize keywords and MSC numbers to generate a network of associations. Below please find the associations we generated automatically with the information you supplied — these associations are merely an overlay on your paper, intended to facilitate navigation, searching, querying, filtering, and merging of knowledge. Kindly alert us if any of these interlinked Web pages does not belong to, describe, relate to, or elucidate the subjects which your paper is about.

And this is what the author in our hypothetical example would have received as an attachment to our query:

Linking to "permanent" URL's

A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a unique string that identifies a piece of intellectual content For any given DOI, the prefix is assigned by a Registration Agency (CrossRef); the suffix is assigned by the publisher. The DOI prefix for the Indiana University Mathematics Journal is 10.512. This means that, for an article published in 2004 and whose ID # with the IUMJ is 2515, the complete identifier is


Using a DOI guarantees that a given digital file can be found even if its URL changes, because CrossRef updates the movement of digital resources — the DOI provides a single point of resolution for the location of each digital file. When a publisher uses DOI's, anyone may query the CrossRef server. For example:

  &title=Indiana University Mathematics Journal &volume=53&date=2004

will result in CrossRef returning a DOI or redirecting to the target document. For the most part, only publishers concern themselves with DOI numbers. Authors, however, may wish to include DOI numbers (when available) in their bibliographies. For more details as to how to do this, please consult our Guidelines for the preparation of the bibliography.