Basic statistics page
Of the 146 articles received since March 29, 2024, midnight...
- Sent for a quick opinion: 28 (19.2%)
- Sent to referees: 19 (13.0%)
- Accepted: 10 (6.8%)
- Rejected: 2 (1.4%)
- Sent back for revision (but not accepted or rejected yet): 5 (3.4%)
- Still in process: 12 (8.2%)
Some conditional probabilities regarding the major stages in refereeing...
- Of the 146 submitted, 19.2% were sent for a quick opinion.
- Of the 28 sent for a quick opinion, 67.9% were refereed.
- Of the 19 sent for refereeing, 52.6% were accepted.
Current number of preprints: 368