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$2$-proper holomorphic images of classical Cartan domains Gargi Ghosh and Wlodzimierz Zwonek
$C^{\gamma}$ well-posedness of some non-linear transport equations Juan Carlos Cantero and Juan Carlos Cantero
$F$-inverse monoids as algebraic structures in enriched signature Karl Auinger
$L^2$ affine Fourier restriction theorems for smooth surfaces in $\mathbb{R}^3$ Jianhui Li and Jianhui Li
$\Gamma$-convergence for free-discontinuity problems in linear elasticity: Homogenization and relaxation Manuel Friedrich, Matteo Perugini and Francesco solombrino
(1,1) almost L-space knots Fraser Binns and Hugo Zhou
A $C^k$ Lusin Approximation Theorem for Real-Valued Functions on Carnot Groups Andrea Pinamonti
A central limit theorem for the degree of a random product of Cremona transformations Nguyen-Bac Dang and Giulio Tiozzo
A central limit theorem in the framework of the Thompson group F Arundhathi Krishnan
A comparison principle for vector valued minimizers of semilinear elliptic energy, with application to dead cores Panayotis Smyrnelis
A critical blow-up exponent for flux limitation in a Keller-Segel system Michael Winkler
A Fourier analytic approach to exceptional set estimates for orthogonal projections Ana E. de Orellana and Jonathan Fraser
A fundamental solution for a subelliptic operator in Finsler geometry Nicola Garofalo
A general compactness theorem in $G(S)BD$ Antonin Chambolle and Vito Crismale
A local-global principle for polyquadratic twists of abelian surfaces Francesc Fité
A lower spatially Lipschitz bound for solutions to fully nonlinear parabolic equations and its optimality Nao Hamamuki
A new approach to topological singularities via a weak notion of Jacobian for functions of bounded variation Lucia De Luca, Riccardo Scala and Nicolas Van Goethem
A note on nonradial nodal solutions to the Hénon problem in the disc Francesca Gladiali
A note on the vanishing of the 2nd $L^2$ betti number Daniel Wise
A probabilistic approach to vanishing viscosity for PDEs on the Wasserstein space ludovic tangpi
A random matrix approach to the Peterson-Thom conjecture Ben Hayes
A rectifiability result for finite-perimeter sets in Carnot groups Sebastiano Don
A Schauder theory for the Stokes equations in rough domains Dominic Breit
A strong maximum principle for minimizers of the one-phase Bernoulli problem Nicholas Edelen, Luca Spolaor and Bozhidar Velichkov
A two-category of Hamiltonian manifolds, and a (1+1+1) field theory Guillem Cazassus
A volume-preserving anisotropic mean curvature type flow Yong Wei and Changwei Xiong
Absolute continuity of self-similar measures on the plane Boris Solomyak and Adam Śpiewak
Adams operations and symmetries of representation categories Ehud Meir and Markus Szymik
Algebraic Bergman kernels and finite type domains in $\mathbb{C}^2$ Peter Ebenfelt, Ming Xiao and Hang Xu
An explicit formula of Cauchy-Szego kernel for quaternionic Siegel upper half space and applications Qingyan Wu
An upper bound on the asymptotic translation lengths on the curve graph and fibered faces Hyungryul Baik, Hyunshik Shin and Chenxi Wu
Answer to some open problems and global bifurcation for an overdetermined problem Guowei Dai
Arithmeticity of groups $\mathbb Z^n\rtimes \mathbb Z$ Bena Tshishiku
Asymptotic *-Distribution Of Permuted Haar Unitary Matrices James Mingo
Asymptotic approximation of a modified compressible Navier-Stokes system Ryan Goh, Eugene Wayne and Roland Welter
Asymptotic behaviors for Blackstock's model of thermoviscous flow Wenhui Chen, Ryo Ikehata and Alessandro Palmieri
Asymptotic cones and boundaries of CAT(0) spaces Curtis Kent
Asymptotic Plateau Problem in H2xR: Tall Curves Baris Coskunuzer
Asymptotic properties of steady and nonsteady solutions to the 2D Navier-Stokes equations with finite generalized Dirichlet integral Hideo Kozono, Yutaka Terasawa and Yuta Wakasugi
Asymptotic stability of shock profiles and rarefaction waves under periodic perturbations for 1-d convex scalar viscous conservation laws Zhouping Xin, Qian Yuan and Yuan Yuan
Asymptotics of KdV shock waves via the Riemann-Hilbert approach Iryna Egorova, Mateusz Piorkowski and Gerald Teschl
Attainable forms of Assouad spectra Alex Rutar
Automorphisms of the affine 3-space of degree 3 Jeremy Blanc and Immanuel Van Santen
Beurling-Fourier algebras of compact quantum groups: characters and finite dimensional representations Hun Hee Lee
Bi-Lipschitz characteristic of quasiconformal self-mappings of the unit disk satisfying bi-harmonic equation Shaolin Chen
Big mapping class groups acting on homology Federica Fanoni, Sebastian Hensel and Nicholas Vlamis
Bloch functions and Bekollé-Bonami weights. Adem Limani and Artur Nicolau
Boolean Extremes and Dagum Distributions Dan Voiculescu
Bound states for the Schrödinger equation with mixed-type nonlinearites Jaroslaw Mederski
Boundedness of some multi-parameter fiber-wise multiplier operators Frederic Bernicot and Polona Durcik
Box dimensions of $(\times m, \times n)$-invariant sets Jonathan Fraser and Natalia Jurga
BRAID RIGIDITY FOR PATH ALGEBRAS Lilit Martirosyan and Hans Wenzl
Brakke's formulation of velocity and the second order regularity property Yoshihiro Tonegawa
Busemann-Petty type problems on complex vector spaces Simon Ellmeyer and Georg Hofstätter
BV solutions for mean curvature flow with constant contact angle: Allen-Cahn approximation and weak-strong uniqueness Sebastian Hensel and Tim Laux
Cauchy Problem of a System of Parabolic Conservation Laws Arising From the Singular Keller-Segel Model in Multi-dimensions Kun Zhao
Center of Poisson and skein algebras associated to loops on surfaces Arpan Kabiraj
Character sums estimates and an application to a problem of Balog Ilya Shkredov
Chern forms of hermitian metrics with analytic singularities on vector bundles Richard Lärkäng, Hossein Raufi, Martin Sera and Elizabeth Wulcan
Chern-Gauss-Bonnet formula for singular Yamabe metrics in dimension four Robin Graham and Matthew Gursky
Circle actions on unitary manifolds with discrete fixed point sets Donghoon Jang
Classification of Linear Bifurcations of Double-Diffusive Micropolar Convection in Two Dimension Behruz Raesi
Co-rotating vortices with N fold symmetry for the inviscid surface quasi-geostrophic equation Didier Smets
Combinatorial properties of Newton maps Russell Lodge
Commensurability of Baumslag-Solitar groups Montserrat Casals-Ruiz, Ilya Kazachkov and Alexander Zakharov
Common hypercyclic vectors and dimension of the parameter set Frédéric Bayart
Commutators of Cauchy Type Integrals For Domains in C^n with Minimal Smoothness Brett Wick
Complete pluripolar sets and removable singularities of plurisubharmonic functions Xieping Wang
Complex geodesics and complex Monge-Amp\`{e}re equations with boundary singularity II Xieping Wang
Composition operators on the Hardy space of the tridisc Frédéric Bayart
Compressible Euler equations in an elastic domain Igor Kukavica
Conformal Fundamental Forms and the Asymptotically Poincare-Einstein Condition Samuel Blitz, A. Gover and Andrew Waldron
Constrained elastic curves and surfaces with spherical curvature lines Joseph Cho, Mason Pember and Gudrun Szewieczek
Contact structures and Beltrami fields on the torus and the sphere Daniel Peralta-Salas and Radu Slobodeanu
Continuity method with movable singularities for classical complex Monge-Ampère equations Antonio Trusiani
Convergence of symmetrization processes Richard Gardner
Convergence problem of Ostrovsky equation with rough data and random data Jinqiao Duan, Wei Yan, Meihua Yang and Qiaoqiao Zhang
Convergence to a traveling wave in the logarithmic diffusion equation with a bistable nonlinearity Hiroshi Matsuzawa, Harunori Monobe, Masahiko Shimojo and Eiji Yanagida
Cosets of monodromies and quantum representations Efstratia Kalfagianni
Critical points of positive solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations: multiplicity, location and non-degeneracy massimo grossi
Cubulating small cancellation free products Kasia Jankiewicz and Daniel Wise
Cusp and b1 growth for ball quotients and maps onto Z with finitely generated kernel Matthew Stover
Cyclic branched coverings of surfaces with abelian quotient singularities E. Bartolo, JOSE IGNACIO COGOLLUDO and Jorge Martín-Morales
C^{1,\alpha} regularity of convex hypersurfaces with prescribed curvature measures yating wu
Decay and absorption for the Vlasov-Navier-Stokes system with gravity in a half-space Lucas Ertzbischoff
Decay rates for solutions to the compressible Navier-Stokes equations with vacuum free boundary and large initial data Changjiang Zhu
Deformations of complete Pick spaces Prahllad Deb, Jonathan Nureliyan and Eli Shamovich
Degenerate complex Monge-Ampère equations with non-Kähler forms in bounded domains Mohammed Salouf
Derivative of volumes of big cohomology classes Duc Viet Vu
Dimension-free estimates for semigroup BMO and $A_p$ Leonid Slavin and Pavel Zatitskii
Dirichlet energy-minimizers with analytic boundary Camillo De Lellis and Zihui Zhao
Domino tilings of cylinders: the domino group and connected components under flips Nicolau Saldanha
Doubling property of self-similar and self-affine measures Yuan Zhang
Duality of moduli in regular metric spaces Atte Lohvansuu and Kai Rajala
Dynamical aspects of foliations with ample normal bundle Masanori Adachi and Judith Brinkschulte
Dynamics of groups of automorphisms of character varieties and Fatou/Julia decomposition for Painleve 6 Roland Roeder
Dynamics of semigroups of Hénon maps Sayani Bera
Dynamics of weighted shifts on directed trees Karl Grosse-Erdmann and Dimitris Papathanasiou
Effects of Advection and Diffusion on the Principal Eigenvalue of a Periodic-Parabolic Operator Yun Li, Shigui Ruan and Zhi-Cheng Wang
Elliptic characterization and localization of Oka manifolds Yuta Kusakabe
Entropy of meromorphic maps acting on analytic sets Gabriel Vigny
Entropy, slicing problem and functional Mahler's conjecture Matthieu Fradelizi and Francisco Marín Sola
Equivalence of (quasi-)norms on a vector-valued function space and its applications to multilinear operators Bae Jun Park
Equivariant topological slice disks and negative amphichiral knots Keegan Boyle and Wenzhao Chen
Errata: Principal Eigenvalue Estimates via the Supremum of Torsion Vol. 59 (2010), 987--1011 Tiziana Giorgi
Existence and Exponential Growth of Global Classical Solutions to the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations with Slip Boundary Conditions in 3D Bounded Domains Guocai Cai and Jing Li
Existence and Regularity for Vortex Patch Solutions of the 2D Euler Equations Razvan-Octavian Radu
Existence and stability of interfacial capillary-gravity solitary waves with constant vorticity Daniel Sinambela
Existence of $W^{1,1}$ solutions to a class of variational problems with linear growth on convex domains Michal Lasica and Piotr Rybka
Existence of asymptotic speed of solutions to birth and spread type nonlinear partial differential equations Yoshikazu Giga, Hiroyoshi Mitake, Hiroyoshi Mitake, Takeshi Ohtsuka and Hung V. Tran
Existence of global weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in weighted spaces Zachary Bradshaw, Igor Kukavica and Tai-Peng Tsai
Existence of minimisers in the least gradient problem for general boundary data Wojciech Gorny
Existence of the tetragonal and rhombohedral deformation families of the gyroid Hao Chen
Existence theory for non-separable mean field games in Sobolev spaces David Ambrose
Existence, Uniqueness and Asymptotic Behavior of Regular Time-Periodic Viscous Flow around a Moving Body: Rotational Case Giovanni Galdi
Exponential Decay for Lions-Feireisl's Weak Solutions to the Barotropic Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations in 3D Bounded Domains Yanfang Peng and Xiaoding Shi
Extended TQFTs From Non-Semisimple Modular Categories Marco De Renzi
Extension of the Hoff solutions framework to cover compressible Navier-Stokes equations with possible anisotropic viscous tensor didier bresch and Cosmin Burtea
Extremizers for adjoint Fourier restriction on hyperboloids: the higher dimensional case Diogo Oliveira e Silva
Factorization for entropy production of the Eikonal equation and regularity Andrew Lorent and Guanying Peng
Finite GK-dimensional Nichols algebras of diagonal type and finite root systems Ivan Angiono and Agustín García Iglesias
Finite point configurations and the regular value theorem in a fractal setting Yumeng Ou and Krystal Taylor
Finite rank perturbations of normal operators: Hyperinvariant subspaces and a problem of Pearcy Eva Gallardo and Javier González-Doña
Fixed points and limits of convolution powers of contractive quantum measures Matthias Neufang, Pekka Salmi, Adam Skalski and Nico Spronk
Foliations of continuous q-pseudoconcave graphs Thomas Pawlaschyk and Nikolay Shcherbina
Formation of singularities for a family of 1D quasilinear wave equations Yuusuke Sugiyama
Fractional free convolution powers Terence Tao
Framed instanton homology of surgeries on L-space knots Tye Lidman, Juanita Pinzon-Caicedo and Christopher Scaduto
Free divisors, blowup algebras of Jacobian ideals, and maximal analytic spread Ricardo Burity, Cleto Miranda-Neto and Zaqueu Ramos
Freeness of type B and conditional freeness for random matrices Guillaume Cébron
Full rotational symmetry from reflections or rotational symmetries in finitely many subspaces Gabriele Bianchi, Richard Gardner and Paolo Gronchi
Gamma-Convergence of an Ambrosio-Tortorelli approximation scheme for image segmentation Irene Fonseca, Lisa Kreusser, Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb and Matthew Thorpe
Generalized bounded deformation in non-Euclidean settings Stefano Almi and Emanuele Tasso
Generalized Collatz maps with almost bounded orbits Felipe Goncalves, Rachel Greenfeld and Jose Ramon Madrid Padilla
Generalized gauge actions on $k$-graph $C^*$-algebras: KMS states and Hausdorff structure Elizabeth Gillaspy
Generalized Kato classes and exceptional zero conjectures Oscar Rivero
Generation of measures on the torus with good sequences of integers Emmanuel Lesigne, Anthony Quas, Joseph Rosenblatt and Máté Wierdl
Geometric effects on $W^{1, p}$ regularity of the stationary linearized Boltzmann equation I-Kun Chen, Chun-Hsiung Hsia, Daisuke Kawagoe and Jhe-Kuan Su
Gevrey analycity and decay for the compressible Navier-Stokes system with capillarity Raphaël Danchin
gl(2) foams and the Khovanov homotopy type Slava Krushkal and Paul Wedrich
Global dynamics below excited solitons for the non-radial NLS with potential Satoshi Masaki, Jason Murphy and Jun-ichi Segata
Global existence in the Lipschitz class for the N-Peskin problem Francisco Gancedo
Global existence of free-energy solutions to the 2D Patlak--Keller--Segel--Navier--Stokes system with critical and subcritical mass Chen-Chih Lai
Global Existence, Regularity, and Dissipativity of Retarded Reaction-diffusion Equations with Supercritical Nonlinearities Desheng Li
Global stability of rarefaction wave for the outflow problem governed by the radiative Euler equations Lili Fan, Lizhi Ruan and Wei Xiang
Gradient estimates for multi-phase problems in Campanato spaces Yuzhou Fang, Vicentiu Radulescu, Chao Zhang and Xia Zhang
Groupoid Semidirect Product Fell Bundles II- Principal Actions and Stabilization Lucas Hall, S. Kaliszewski, John Quigg and Dana Williams
Han’s conjecture and Hochschild homology for null-square projective algebras Claude Cibils
High frequency behavior of the Leray transform: model hypersurfaces and projective duality David Barrett and Luke Edholm
Higher dimensional Bott classes and the stability of rotation relations Sayan Chakraborty and jiajie hua
Higher order degrees of affine plane curve complements Laurentiu Maxim
Higher order Kirk invariants of link maps Benjamin AUDOUX, Jean Baptiste Meliman and Akira Yasuhara
Holomorphic Legendrian curves in projectivised cotangent bundles Finnur Larusson
Holomorphic sections of line bundles vanishing along subvarieties Dan Coman, George Marinescu and Viet Anh Nguyen
Holonomy perturbations of the Chern-Simons functional for lens spaces David Boozer
Homogeneous 2-nondegenerate CR manifolds of hypersurface type in low dimensions David Sykes
Homology spheres with E8-fillings and arbitrarily large correction terms Motoo Tange
Homotopy of product systems and K-theory of Cuntz-Nica-Pimsner algebras Aidan Sims
Hunt's formula for SU_q(N) and U_q(N) Martin Lindsay and Michael Skeide
Hyperbolic free boundary problems and applications to wave-structure interactions Tatsuo IGUCHI and David Lannes
Indeterminacy Loci of Iterate Maps in Moduli Space Jan Kiwi and Hongming Nie
Inequalities for the quermassintegrals of sections of convex bodies Dimitris Marios Liakopoulos
Inertial manifolds for 3D complex Ginzburg-Landau equations with periodic boundary conditions Anna Kostianko, Chunyou Sun and Sergey Zelik
Integral geometry on the octonionic plane Jan Kotrbaty and Thomas Wannerer
Interior decay of solutions to elliptic equations with respect to frequencies at the boundary Michele Di Cristo and Luca Rondi
Interior decay of solutions to elliptic equations with respect to frequencies at the boundary Michele Di Cristo and Luca Rondi
Interior estimates for p-plurisubharmonic functions Slawomir Dinew
Interpolation results for pathwise Hamilton-Jacobi equations P. Lions, Benjamin Seeger and Panagiotis Sounganidis
Intersection of (1,1)-currents and the domain of definition of the Monge-Ampere operator Dinh Tuan Huynh, Lucas Kaufmann and Duc-Viet Vu
Invariance of Abel universality under composition and applications Stéphane Charpentier
Invasion into remnant instability: a case study of front dynamics Gregory Faye
Khovanov homology and periodic links Maciej Borodzik and Wojciech Politarczyk
Kummert's approach to realization on the bidisk Greg Knese
Large self-similar solutions of the parabolic-elliptic Keller-Segel model Piotr Biler
Lebesgue decompositions and the Gleason--Whitney property for operator algebras Raphaël Clouâtre
Linear inviscid damping for shear flows near Couette in the 2D stably stratified regime Roberta Bianchini, Michele Coti Zelati and Michele Dolce
Link concordances as surfaces in 4-space and the 4-dimensional Milnor invariants Jean-Baptiste Meilhan and Akira Yasuhara
Lipschitz regularity of almost minimizers in one-phase problems driven by the $p$-Laplace operator Serena Dipierro, Fausto Ferrari, Nicolò Forcillo and Enrico Valdinoci
Local analysis of a two phase free boundary problem concerning mean curvature Lorenzo Cavallina
Local curvature of maximally nondegenerate Radon-like transforms Philip Gressman
Local minimizers of the anisotropic isoperimetric problem on closed manifolds Antonio De Rosa and Robin Neumayer
Local well-posedness for a quasilinear Schrödinger equation with degenerate dispersion Benjamin Harrop-Griffiths and Jeremy Marzuola
Low-dimensional maximal restriction principles for the Fourier transform João Pedro Ramos
Lp integrability of functions with Fourier support on a smooth space curve Shaoming Guo
L^p regularity for a class of averaging operators on the Heisenberg Group Geoffrey Bentsen
L^p(R^2) bounds for geometric maximal operators associated to homothecy invariant convex bases Paul Hagelstein
Manifolds That Admit a Double Disk-Bundle Decomposition Fernando Galaz-Garcia
Mating Siegel and Thurston Quadratic Polynomials yuming fu and Yanhua Zhang
Matricial Archimedean order unit spaces and quantum correlations Roy Araiza, Travis Russell and Mark Tomforde
Max-Min theorems for weak containment, square summable homoclinic points, and completely positive entropy Benjamin Hayes
Measure comparison and distance inequalities for convex bodies Artem Zvavitch
Meromorphic convexity on Stein manifolds Blake Boudreaux
Metric Spaces of Arbitrary Finitely-Generated Scaling Group Daniel Levitin
Modifications of the Levi core Tanuj Gupta, Emil Straube and John Treuer
Modulus of continuity of solutions to complex Monge-Amp\`ere equations on Stein spaces Guilherme Cerqueira Gonçalves
Multi-species Patlak-Keller-Segel system Eitan Tadmor
Multifractal analysis for the pointwise Assouad dimension of self-similar measures Roope Anttila and Ville Suomala
Nodal solutions to quasilinear elliptic problems involving the 1-laplacian operator via variational and approximation methods Marcos Pimenta
Noisy Tug of War games for the $\mathbf{p}$-Laplacian: ${\mathbf{1<p<{\boldsymbol \infty}}}$ Marta Lewicka
Non-Commutative Stochastic Processes and Bi-Free Probability Paul Skoufranis
Non-local games and quantum symmetries of quantum metric spaces Kari Eifler
Non-removability of Sierpinski carpets Dimitrios Ntalampekos
Noncompact Lp-Minkowski problems Yong Huang and Jiakun Liu
Nonlinear stability of travelling wave solution of the Navier-Stokes-Poisson system for ions with $\gamma$-law pressure Jinjing Liu
Nonlinear elliptic equations of sublinearity: qualitative behavior of solutions Norihisa Ikoma, Kazunaga Tanaka, Zhi-Qiang Wang and Chengxiang Zhang
Nonlinear elliptic equations with perturbed symmetry Zhaoli Liu
Normalizers and Approximate Units for Inclusions of C*-Algebras David Pitts
On a singular limit of the Kobayashi-Warren-Carter energy Yoshikazu Giga
On Brolin's theorem over the quaternions. Cinzia Bisi
On characterization of smoothness of complex analytic sets Alexandre Fernandes and José Edson Sampaio
On corners scattering stably and stable shape determination by a single far-field pattern Hongyu Liu
On critical points of eigenvalues of the Montgomery family of quartic oscillators Matthieu Leautaud
On cyclicity in de Branges-Rovnyak spaces Alex Bergman
On distinct finite covers of 3-manifolds Stefan Friedl, JungHwan Park, Bram Petri, Jean Raimbault and Arunima Ray
On Electroconvection in Porous Media Elie Abdo and Mihaela Ignatova
On elementary amenable bounded automata groups Benjamin Steinberg
On factorization of separating maps on noncommutative Lp-spaces Christian LeMerdy
On Fourier restriction type problems on compact Lie groups Yunfeng Zhang
On Free Stein Dimension Ian Charlesworth and Brent Nelson
On good-$\lambda$ inequalities for couples of measurable functions Grigori Karagulyan
On hyperbolicity and Gevrey well-posedness. Part three: a class of weakly hyperbolic systems. Baptiste Morisse
On limiting trace inequalities for vectorial differential operators Franz Gmeineder, Bogdan Raita and Jean Van Schaftingen
On maximal regularity estimates for quasilinear evolution equations via the integral Bernstein method Alessandro Goffi and Tommaso Leonori
On Noetherian schemes over $(\mathcal C,\otimes,1)$ and the category of quasi-coherent sheaves Abhishek Banerjee
On parabolic and elliptic equations with singular or degenerate coefficients Hongjie Dong
On persistence of spatial analyticity in the hyper-dissipative Navier-Stokes models zoran grujic
On pinned billiard balls and foldings Krzysztof Burdzy
On projective K3 surfaces $\mathcal{X}$ with $\mathrm{Aut}(\mathcal{X})=(\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z})^2$ Adrian Clingher, Andreas Malmendier and Xavier Roulleau
On some integral-geometric quantities related to transversality, curvature and visibility Silouanos Brazitikos
On spectra and spectral eigenmatrix problems of the planar Sierpinski measures Li-Xiang An, Xin-Han Dong and Xing-Gang He
On superspecial abelian surfaces and type numbers of totally definite quaternion algebras Chia-Fu Yu
On the anti-commutator of two free random variables Daniel Perales
On the Cauchy problem of the full Navier-Stokes equations for three-dimensional compressible viscous heat-conducting flows subject to large external potential forces Jianwen Zhang
On the decomposition of the De Rham complex on formal schemes Leovigildo Alonso Tarrío, Ana Jeremías López and Marta Pérez Rodríguez
On the dimension of bundle-valued Bergman spaces on compact Riemann surfaces Purvi Gupta
On the geometry of the symmetrized bidisc Tirthankar Bhattacharyya, Anindya Biswas and Anwoy Maitra
On the global existence for a fluid-structure model with small data Wojciech Ozanski
On the growth rate inequality for self-maps of the sphere Héctor Barge and Luis Hernandez-Corbato
On the interior regularity criterion for suitable weak solutions to the 3d magneto-hydrodynamics equations in terms of the velocity gradient Liu Qiao
On the Moore-Gibson-Thompson equation with memory with nonconvex kernels Monica Conti, Lorenzo Liverani and Vittorino Pata
On the Musielak-Orlicz-Gauss image problem Qingzhong Huang, Sudan Xing, Deping Ye and Baocheng Zhu
On the number of intersection points of the contour of an amoeba with a line Eugenii Shustin
On the relaxation of functionals with contact terms on non-smooth domains Riccardo Cristoferi and Giovanni Gravina
On the Shafarevich group of restricted ramification extensions of number fields in the tame case Ravi Ramakrishna
On the signature of unimodular fans Paul Bressler
On the smoothness of $C^1$-contact maps in $C^{\infty}$-rigid Carnot groups. Jona Lelmi
Optimal convergence rate for periodic homogenization of convex Hamilton-Jacobi equations Hung Tran and Yifeng Yu
Optimal Measures for Multivariate Geometric Potentials Ryan Matzke
Periodic Minimizers of a Ternary Non-Local Isoperimetric Problem Lia Bronsard
Periodic points for meromorphic self-maps of Fujiki varieties Tien-Cuong Dinh and Guolei Zhong
Pinned planar $p$-elasticae Tatsuya Miura and Kensuke Yoshizawa
Pinned simplices and connections to product of sets on paraboloids Thang Pham
Pinsker inequalities and related Monge-Amp\`ere equations for log-concave functions Elisabeth Werner
Pluripotential of Chern-Ricci Flows Quang-Tuan Dang
Plurisubharmonic functions with discontinuous boundary behavior Mårten Nilsson
Plurisubharmonicity and geodesic convexity of energy function on Teichmuller space Inkang Kim
Plurisupported Currents on Compact Kahler Manifolds Nicholas McCleerey
Point condensation of maximizers for Trudinger-Moser inequalities on scaling parameter Masato Hashizume
Polynomially convex sets whose union has nontrivial hull Alexander Izzo
Propagation of regularity for transport equations. A Littlewood-Paley approach David Meyer and Christian Seis
Properties of the Semigroup in $L_1$ Associated with Age-Structured Diffusive Populations Christoph Walker
Qualitative analysis of Solutions for the Generalized Zakharov equations with Magnetic field in $\mathbb{R}^d$ Ben-Yu Guo and Xinglong Wu
Quantitative Estimates for Operator-Valued and Infinitesimal Boolean and Monotone Limit Theorems Marwa Banna
Quantitative unique continuation for Robin boundary value problems on C^{1,1} domains Zongyuan Li and Weinan Wang
Quantum Limits on product manifolds Emmanuel Humbert, Yannick Privat and Emmanuel Trélat
Quantum Time-Frequency Analysis and Pseudodifferential Operators Franz Luef
Quasiconformal uniformization of metric surfaces of higher topology Damaris Meier
Random Homogenization of $\varphi$-Laplacian Equations with Highly Oscillating Obstacles Se-Chan Lee and Ki-Ahm Lee
Real moments of the logarithmic derivative of characteristic polynomials in random matrix ensembles Fan Ge
Rectifiability of the free boundary for varifolds Luigi De Masi
Recurrence in the dynamics of meromorphic correspondences and holomorphic semigroups Mayuresh Londhe
Removability of singularities and maximum principles for some fractional Laplacian equations Maria del Mar Gonzalez
Representation of the total variation as a Gamma-limit of BMO-type seminorms Adolfo Arroyo-Rabasa, Paolo Bonicatto and Giacomo Del Nin
Representations of Dirichlet Operator Algebras Justin Peters
Residuality of Dynamical Morphisms for Amenable Group Actions Jacek Serafin
Riesz transforms on a class of non-doubling manifolds II Andrew Hassell, Daniel Nix and Adam Sikora
Rigidity of flag manifolds Bruce Kleiner
Robin spectrum: two disks maximize the third eigenvalue Alexandre Girouard and Richard S. Laugesen
Root systems in number fields Vladimir Popov
Schauder estimates for equations with conic metrics Bin Guo
Sectional Curvature and Weitzenboeck Formulae Renato Bettiol and Ricardo Mendes
Sharp Global well-posedness and scattering for the radial nonlinear wave equation for $\frac{1}{2} < s_{c} < 1$ Benjamin Dodson
SL(n) covariant matrix-valued valuations on functions Lijuan Liu, Linzeng Tang and Wei Wang
Slice monogenic theta series Fabrizio Colombo, Soeren Krausshar and Irene Sabadini
Small cap decoupling for the paraboloid in R^n Larry Guth, Dominique Maldague and Changkeun Oh
Smoothly bounded domains covering compact manifolds Andrew Zimmer
Some new weighted estimates on product spaces Kangwei Li, Henri Martikainen and Emil Vuorinen
Some results on tracial stability and graph products Scott Atkinson
Spectral dynamics for the infinite dihedral group and the lamplighter group Xiaoyuan Yang
Spectral inequality for Schrodinger equations with power growth potentials Jiuyi Zhu
Spectral properties of weighted composition operators on Hol(D) induced by rotations Isabelle Chalendar
Spectral stability of monotone traveling fronts for reaction diffusion-degenerate Nagumo equations J. Francisco Leyva, Luis F. Lopez Rios and Ramon Plaza
Spectrum structure and solution behavior of the Boltzmann equation with soft potentials Yu Hongjun
Square function estimates for conical regions Shukun Wu
Stable and real rank for crossed products by finite groups Nasser Golesani
Stable anisotropic capillary hypersurfaces in the half-space Chao Xia
Strichartz and smoothing estimates in weighted $L^2$ spaces and their applications Youngwoo Koh, Ihyeok Seo and Ihyeok Seo
Strong Closed Range Estimates: Necessary Conditions and Applications Phil Harrington and Andrew Raich
Strong solution to stochastic penalised nematic liquid crystals model driven by multiplicative Gaussian noise Zdzislaw Brzezniak, Erika Hausenblas and Paul Andr\'e Razafimandimby
Strong space-time convexity and the heat equation Albert Chau and Ben Weinkove
Strongly symmetric homeomorphisms on the real line with uniform continuity Katsuhiko Matsuzaki and Huaying Wei
Symmetric differentials and jets extension of L2 holomorphic functions seungjae Lee and Aeryeong Seo
The Continuous Subsolution problem for Complex Hessian Equations Ahmed Zeriahi
The $L_p$ Minkowski problem for the electrostatic $\mathfrak{p}$-capacity for $\mathfrak{p}\geqslant n$ xinbao Lu and Ge Xiong
The antiferromagnetic XY model on the triangular lattice: topological singularities Annika Bach, Marco Cicalese, Leonard Kreutz and Gianluca Orlando
The density property for vector bundles Riccardo Ugolini and Joerg Winkelmann
The Diederich--Forn\ae ss index and the regularities on the $\bar{\partial}$-Neumann problem Bingyuan Liu
The evolution to equilibrium of solutions to nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation Viorel Barbu
The Gauss-Green theorem for bounded vectorfields with divergence measure on sets of finite perimeter Miroslav Silhavy
The heat flow, GAF, and SL(2;R) Brian Hall, Ching-Wei Ho, Jonas Jalowy and Zakhar Kabluchko
The incompressible $\alpha$--Euler equations in the exterior of a vanishing disk Adriana Valentina Busuioc, Dragos Iftimie, Milton Lopes and Helena Nussenz Lopes
The intersection polynomials of a virtual knot I: Definitions and calculations Shin Satoh
The Landis conjecture with sharp rate of decay Luca Rossi and Luca Rossi
The limit as p → 1 of the higher eigenvalues of the p–Laplacian operator −\Delta_p Jose Sabina de Lis and S. Segura de Leon
The Lipschitz truncation for functions of bounded variation Dominic Breit
The minimal Tjurina number of irreducible germs of plane curve singularities Maria Alberich-Carramiñana, Patricio Almirón, Guillem Blanco and Alejandro Melle-Hernández
The Mumford-Tate conjecture implies the algebraic Sato-Tate conjecture of Banaszak and Kedlaya Victoria Cantoral and Johan Commelin
The Nazarov proof of the non-symmetric Bourgain-Milman inequality Vlassis Mastrantonis and Yanir Rubinstein
The optimal Leray-Trudinger Inequality Giuseppina di Blasio, Giovanni Pisante and Georgios Psaradakis
The Primitive Ideal Space of Groupoid C*-Algebras for Groupoids with Abelain Isotropy Dana Williams
The Quantum Flag Manifold SU_q(3)/T^2 as an Example of a Noncommutative Sphere Bundle Wojciech Szymanski
The relative eta invariant for a pair of Dirac-type operators on non-compact manifolds Pengshuai Shi
The relaxation limit of a compressible gas-liquid model with well-reservoir interaction Guangyi Hong, Hongyun Peng and Changjiang Zhu
The Smirnov class for the Fock space and complete Pick spaces Michael Jury and R. T. W. Martin
The ``good'' Boussinesq equation: a Riemann-Hilbert approach Christophe Charlier
Threshold scattering for the focusing NLS with a repulsive potential Changxing Miao, Jason Murphy and JIqiang Zheng
Time dependent Quantum Perturbations uniform in the semiclassical regime Thierry Paul
Toeplitz algebras over Fock and Bergman spaces Shengkun Wu and Xianfeng Zhao
Topological characterisations of Loewner traces Yizheng Yuan
Toric multisections and curves in rational surfaces Jeffrey Meier
Trace formulas for the norm one group of totally definite quaternion algebras Chia-Fu Yu
Traveling waves for the porous medium equation in the incompressible limit: asymptotic behavior and nonlinear stability Anne-Laure Dalibard, Gabriela Lopez-Ruiz and Charlotte Perrin
Twisted Forms of perfect complexes and Hilbert 90 Ajneet Dhillon
Two Phase Free Boundary Problem for Poisson Kernels Simon Bortz, Max Engelstein, Max Goering, Tatiana Toro and Zihui Zhao
Two-dimensional Blocki, Lp-Mahler, and Bourgain conjectures Vlassis Mastrantonis
Unique continuation inequalities for nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equations based on uncertainty principles Shanlin Huang, Ming Wang and Li Ze
Universal Holomorphic Maps with Slow Growth II. Functional Analysis Methods Song-Yan Xie
Upper and lower bounds on the filling radius Manuel Cuerno and Luis Guijarro
Validity of Whitham's modulation equations for dissipative systems with a conservation law: Phase dynamics in a generalized Ginzburg-Landau system Björn de Rijk, Tobias Haas and Guido Schneider
Vertical projections in the Heisenberg group for sets of dimension greater than 3 Terence Harris
Wall's stable realization for diffeomorphisms of definite 4-manifolds Daniel Ruberman and Sašo Strle
Waves of maximal height for a class of nonlocal equations with homogeneous symbols Raj Narayan DHARA
Weak products of complete Pick spaces Stefan Richter
Weakly almost periodic topologies, idempotents and ideals Nico Spronk
Weighted Berwald's Inequality Dylan Langharst and Eli Putterman
Weighted endpoint bounds for the Bergman and Cauchy-Szegő projections on domains with near minimal smoothness Cody Stockdale
Well-posedness and vanishing dissipation of the 2D Boussinesq equations in the half plane Xiaojing Xu
Wild boundary behaviour of holomorphic functions in domains of $\mathbb{C}^N$ Stéphane Charpentier and Lukasz Kosinski
Wild holomorphic foliations of the ball Antonio Alarcon
{A class of nonlocal hypoelliptic operators\\ and their extensions} Nicola Garofalo