Title: Vortex-like finite-energy asymptotic profiles for isentropic compressible flows

Authors: L. Miguel Rodrigues

Issue: Volume 58 (2009), Issue 4, 1747-1776

Abstract: Bidimensional incompressible viscous flows with well-localised vorticity are well-known to develop vortex structures. The purpose of the present paper is to recover the asymptotic profiles describing these phenomena for homogeneous finite-energy flows as asymptotic profiles for near-equilibrium isentropic compressible flows. This task is performed by extending the sharp description of the asymptotic behaviour of near-equilibrium compressible flows obtained by David Hoff and Kevin Zumbrun [David Hoff and Kevin Zumbrun, \textit{Multi-dimensional diffusion waves for the Navier-Stokes equations of compressible flow}, Indiana Univ. Math. J. \textbf{44} (1995), 603-676] to the case of finite-energy \textit{vortex-like} solutions.