Title: Einstein's equations and the embedding of 3-dimensional CR manifolds

Authors: C. Denson Hill, Jerzy Lewandowski and Pawel Nurowski

Issue: Volume 57 (2008), Issue 7, 3131-3176

Abstract: We prove several theorems concerning the connection between the local CR embeddability of 3-dimensional CR manifolds, and the existence of algebraically special Maxwell and gravitational fields. We reduce the Einstein equations for spacetimes associated with such fields to a system of CR invariant equations on a 3-dimensional CR manifold defined by the fields. Using the reduced Einstein equations we construct two independent CR functions for the corresponding CR manifold. We also point out that the Einstein equations, imposed on spacetimes associated with a 3-dimensional CR manifold, imply that the spacetime metric, after an appropriate rescaling, becomes well defined on a circle bundle over the CR manifold. The circle bundle itself emerges as a consequence of Einstein's equations.