Title: Relaxation enhancement by time-periodic flows

Authors: Alexander Kiselev, Roman Shterenberg and Andrej Zlatos

Issue: Volume 57 (2008), Issue 5, 2137-2152


We study enhancement of diffusive mixing by fast incompressible time-periodic flows. The class of \textit{relaxation-enhancing} flows that are especially efficient in speeding up mixing has been introduced in [P. Constantin, A. Kiselev, L. Ryzhik, and A. Zlatos, \emph{Diffusion and mixing in fluid flow}, Ann. of Math. (2) \textbf{168} (2008), 643--674]. The relaxation-enhancing property of a flow has been shown to be intimately related to the properties of the dynamical system it generates. In particular, time-independent flows $u$ such that the operator $u cdot 
abla$ has sufficiently smooth eigenfunctions are not relaxation-enhancing. Here we extend results of [P. Constantin, A. Kiselev, L. Ryzhik, and A. Zlatos, \emph{Diffusion and mixing in fluid flow}, Ann. of Math. (2) \textbf{168} (2008), 643--674] to time-periodic flows $u(x,t)$ and, in particular, show that there exist flows such that for each fixed time the flow is Hamiltonian, but the resulting time-dependent flow is relaxation-enhancing. Thus we confirm the physical intuition that time dependence of a flow may aid mixing. We also provide an extension of our results to the case of a nonlinear diffusion model. The proofs  are based on a general criterion for the decay of a semigroup generated by an operator of the form $\Gamma + iAL(t)$ with  a negative unbounded self-adjoint operator $\Gamma$, a time-periodic self-adjoint operator-valued function $L(t)$, and a parameter $A \gg 1$.