Title: Shock waves and blow-up phenomena for the periodic Degasperis-Procesi equation

Authors: Joachim Escher, Yue Liu and Zhaoyang Yin

Issue: Volume 56 (2007), Issue 1, 87-118

Abstract: In this paper we mainly study the problem of the development of singularities for solutions to the periodic Degasperis-Procesi equation. Firstly, we show that the first blow-up of strong solution to the equation must occur only in the form of wave breaking and shock waves possibly appear afterwards. Secondly, we establish two new blow-up results. Thirdly, we investigate the blow-up rate for all non-global strong solutions and determine the blow-up set of blowing-up strong solutions to the equation for a large class of initial data. We finally give an explicit example of weak solutions to the equation, which may be considered as periodic shock waves.