Title: Critical points of Green's function and geometric function theory

Authors: Bjorn Gustafsson and Ahmed Sebbar

Issue: Volume 61 (2012), Issue 3, 939-1017


We study questions related to critical points of the Green's function of a bounded multiply connected domain in the complex plane. The motion of critical points, their limiting positions as the pole approaches the boundary and the differential geometry of the level lines of the Green's function are main themes in the paper. A unifying role is played by various affine and projective connections and corresponding M\"obius invariant differential operators. In the doubly connected case the three Eisenstein series $E_2$, $E_4$, $E_6$ are used. A specific result is that a doubly connected domain is the disjoint union of the set of critical points of the Green's function, the set of zeros of the Bergman kernel and the separating boundary limit positions for these.